Personal finances are a hot topic right now, perhaps because younger generations are finding it harder to afford houses and cars. Especially if you’re going the traditional university/college route: student loans and debt is flying through the roof, so its more important than ever to manage your finances well. Here...
Self Development
Tips and tricks on productivity, mindset, and self care so you can be the best version of you.
Today’s episode is all about ways to glow up your life, particularly because I’m personally making this summer a “glow-up” kind of summer where I’m really going to try tackling some goals that I’ve always wanted to complete. And ideally morph myself into a morning person once and for all....
These past few months have been tough on all of us. On top of a global pandemic that seems to be getting worse with each passing day, there’s always something dispiriting on the news. Don’t forget to throw in our other personal woes, like student loans, getting pay cuts at...
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? In the world we live in today, being able to manage stress is more important than ever. We are often put in high pressure situations where we have to perform well; you may be juggling a 10 foot long to-do list, or preparing for an important...
This episode’s theme is about going with your gut and intuition. We talk about why this can help propel you to achieve more and develop new skills. I’m a sucker for really good personal development and business books, and in this episode, I also share 2 books I read recently...
As September rounds the corner, things are picking up again and it’s more important than ever to develop a good routine. Plus, it’ll help you crack down on procrastination (check out this related post: tips on how to maintain consistency and motivation). In this post, I’ll help you create a...
This episode is one of my more personal ones and probably one of my favourites/best ones I’ve recorded yet! I delve into some life stories about my experiences as an introvert, as well as how I gained self confidence. I also speak about joining the debate team (even though it...
Practicing gratitude is a key part of many successful people’s daily routines, and I first learned about it through Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Planner, where he researched the habits of hundreds of successful individuals. I was never really able to make it an effective and impactful practice for myself though,...
Now that most public places are closed now and everyone is working from home, our sense of routine is shaken. Some of us have loads of extra work, while others are trying to figure out how to spend this extra time. This is the ultimate quarantine guide to help you...